Become a Saffricon Outgrower

  • The Outgrower plants and cultivates the crop on their own land.
  • Own upfront finance is required to take up the contract.
  • When the saffron threads are harvested, we will buy it from the Outgrower.

This means if one corm is planted, there will be three corms in year two, nine in year three and so on. There is double-income potential: from the annual saffron thread harvest as well as from the multiplied corms.

Trial Pack

A trial pack is purchased and includes 7 kg of saffron corms (between 500-700), plant nutrition pack, a soil-analysis of the land, a plant manual, online training and support by Saffricon.

Saffricon partnership advantages

  • A 3-year contract.
  • For an outgrower contract, a trial run must be completed.
  • Plant and harvest information/manual.
  • Personal assistance, guidance, and training.
  • Offtake for all saffron produced.
  • Buyback of all multiplied planting material after 3 years.
  • General marketing and promoting.
  • Keep up to date with news and innovation regarding saffron.
  • SAFFRICON in partnership with Laeveld Agrochem.


  • Planting material remains the property of SAFFRICON.
  • The corms should stay in the ground for 3 years. The corms experience stresses every time they are lifted and replanted, and this leads to below optimal flower and corm production.
  • When considering a franchise with SAFFRICON, a season trial run is required using the Starter Pack. This will establish the potential for saffron farming on your land. Based on the test results, informed decisions can be made regarding the future to benefit both parties.
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