
Please note: The Franchise Contract has been replaced with Purchase and Delivery Agreement.
Farmers have the option to purchase a Trial Pack option or the Buy-to-Own harvest delivery and purchase agreement.
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Saffricon: geleenthede vir SA boere Rapport. 14 Feb 2021, bladsy 14

SA delf nou vir ‘rooi goud’ Die Burger, 26 Feb 2021, Bladsy 10

Purple splendour yields pure gold for saffron farmers, City Press, 14 Feb 2021

SAFFRON – SA poised to become big player in saffron market, Laeveld Agrochem, 17 Feb 2021

At R200,000 for one kilogram, this could be SA’s hot new export crop, Business Insider, 18 Feb 2021

South Africa’s first saffron season exceeds expectations, Fresh Plaza, 17 Aug 2021

SA’s first saffron season a success, MoneyWeb, 17 Aug 2021

SA’s first saffron season surpass expectations, Food for Mzansi, 27 Aug 2021

Saffron: harvesting ‘red gold’ in the Karoo, Farmers Weekly, 15 December 2021

Saffricon farmers are an outlier in the agribusiness index decline

Die toetse bewys: SA saffraan ding mee met die beste in die wêreld

South African saffron (cost: R250 000 per kg!) farmer takes on the world

Testing of local saffron shows SA can compete with best in the world

Bennie Engelbrecht | Suid-Afrikaanse Saffraan | 30 Januarie 2023 Grootplaas Onderhoud

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