Coconut and mango Prawn curry with Saffron rice

There are few things in life that excites me as much as a beach holiday. Not only is the night before already filled with excitement, but the drive to the destination is always full of adventure. When arriving, there are few things that can stand in the way of us finding the closest, best seafood restaurant to dig into their best seafood dishes. Where does seafood taste better than next to the ocean?
The beach has not been on our radar for a few years now thanks to covid, so a home holiday is the next best thing! And who can say no to a lovely prawn curry that tastes like the summer and beach with the heat and coziness of the winter?
If shellfish is not your thing, you are welcome to swap it out for chicken or chickpeas. If possible, keep to prawns, the taste is absolutely wonderful.

Klapper en Mango Garnaal Kerrie met Saffraan rys

Daar is min dinge wat my so opgewonde maak soos ‘n see-vakansie. Nie net is die aand voor die groot rit ‘n avontuur nie, maar die pad soontoe is altyd deel van die pret.
Daar aangekom, kan niks ons keer om die eerste, beste seekos restaurant te soek en in hulle garnaal en visgeregte in te vaar nie. Want waar proe seekos lekkerder as langs die see?
Die see is vir ‘n paar jaar nie vir ons beskore nie, #covid, so ‘n tuis-vakansie is die tweede beste opsie!
En wie kan nee sê vir ‘n heerlike garnaal kerrie wat smake van die see en somer meng met die hitte en snoesigheid van die winter? Indien skulpvis nie vir jou is nie, is jy welkom om dit met hoender of keker-ertjies te vervang. Indien moontlik, hou by garnale, die seekossmaak is absoluut heerlik!

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