Saffron Brandy Tart

A word with three meanings, all promises of enjoyment. Which South African does not know the enjoyment of good brandy at the right time, and some tart with a cup of tea?  So why not combine the two to create a taste sensation that will have the neighbors begging for an invite?  
We did not change too much in the recipe, as my grandma would not stand for her recipe being messed with! 
We kept it traditional with just a touch of Saffron here, and there to amp up the taste a bit!
Although this was a Christmas dessert, it would be perfect for any occasion!If you make it, invite the neighbors over won’t you? It really is that good…If I say so myself.


  • 5 ml Baking soda
  • 250 ml Boiling water
  • 250 g Pitted dates (finely chopped) (safari packed dates)
  • 125 g Margarine
  • 250 ml Yellow sugar
  • 2 Eggs
  • 375 ml Cake flour
  • Pinch salt
  • 5 ml Baking powder
  • 100 g Pecan nuts (roughly chopped)


  • Preheat the oven to 180 ͒C & coat two 22cm round cake pans withmargarine/spray & cook. (Place two circle shaped pieces of bakingpaper in the bottom of each pan - this is very important for the tartnot to stick. Also spray the circles with cooking spray.
  • Dissolve the baking soda in the boiling water, and pour it over thefine dates. Mix and let the dates sit to the side to cool down andsoften.
  • Cream the butter and sugar, then add eggs one by one and mix well.
  • Sift flour, salt and baking powder together and gently add it to thecreamed sugar mixture.
  • Add nuts, and lastly the cooled date mixture and mix well.
  • Pour evenly in the two prepared pans and bake for 40-50 min.
  • During the last 10 minute, make the sauce and pour it over the tartsas soon as they come out of the oven (while still in the pans).
  • Let them rest like this in the cake pans (cover with plastic wrap, untilcooled enough to frost it.)

Saffron Brandy Tart Sauce

A word with three meanings, all promises of enjoyment. Which South African does not know the enjoyment of good brandy at the right time, and some tart with a cup of tea?  So why not combine the two to create a taste sensation that will have the neighbors begging for an invite?  
We did not change too much inthe recipe, as my grandma would not stand for her recipe being messed with! 
We kept it traditional withjust a touch of Saffron here, and there to amp up the taste a bit!
Although this was a Christmas dessert, it would be perfect for any occasion!If you make it, invite the neighbors over won’t you? It really is that good…If I say so myself.


  • 350 g White sugar
  • 250 ml Water
  • 15 ml Margarine
  • 5 ml Vanilla
  • 200 ml Brandy
  • Small pinch of saffron (finely ground)


  • In a small pot, mix sugar and water on the stove and bring it to a boil.
  • Add saffron and boil on medium-low for 5 min.
  • Remove the pot from the stove and add the rest of the ingredients.
  • Pour it over the tart as soon as you take it out of the oven (sauce needs tobe piping hot!).

Saffron Brandy Tart Frosting

A word with three meanings, all promises of enjoyment. Which South African does not know the enjoyment of good brandy at the right time, and some tart with a cup of tea?  So why not combine the two to create a taste sensation that will have the neighbors begging for an invite?  
We did not change too much in the recipe, as my grandma would not stand for her recipe being messed with! 
We kept it traditional with just a touch of Saffron here, and there to amp up the taste a bit!
Although this was a Christmas dessert, it would be perfect for any occasion!If you make it, invite the neighbors over won’t you? It really is that good…If I say so myself.


  • 500 ml Fresh cream
  • 40 g Icing sugar
  • Small pinch of saffron (dry roast in a pan for 2 min, then grind withmortar and pestle.)


  • Whip cold cream until it is about a third in the process of beingwhipped.
  • Now add the icing sugar and whip until it is almost stiff.
  • Then add the saffron and whip until stiff peaks form
  • Then ice your tart!


How to roast saffron:
  • Place a pan on the stove and let it warm up.
  • Add the saffron threads to the pan and gently move around with a rubbel spatual for about 1 min until roasted (beware of burning them.)
  • Add the toasted saffron threads to a mortal and pestle/small bowl and grind till fine.
  • Add the finely ground saffron to the cream (beware of loosing saffron in the process.)
How to grind saffron:
  • Add threads to a mortal and pestle, and grind OR
  • Place saffron in a small bowl and use a teaspoon to grind it (place your hand over the bowl to keep saffron from jumping out.)
  • Use a rubber spatula to scrape fine saffron from the bowl (be gentle and don't lose saffron in the process.)
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